Tales from the Trunk #3 – Backseat Bivy

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Tales from the Trunk #3

Posted by Bex Dawkes on
Tales from the Trunk #3

Given the option to pitch a tent for the night or throw the seats down and crawl into the back of our tiny Mazda 3 hatchback, we always pick the car: despite Graham being 6 feet tall. It goes without saying that this isn’t easy, but it is an indication of our love of car camping.

Our hearts also belong to our kittens Mina and Babsi. They love adventures, and a couple weeks ago joined us on their first camping trip! The girls donned their harnesses to explore nearby trails, leapt over stones in a steam, scrambled up rocks, and snuggled up together at campfire time. We weren’t sure how successful an overnight with two humans and two cats in our wee car would be.

Setting the cat bed up front, Graham and I tucked into the back. But Mina and Babsi broke from their routine and rather than choosing their own bed, they opted to curl in with us for the night! It was kitten cuddle heaven. Although we had worried about space, there turned out to be lots.

The girls had their supplies up front and room to roam in the space beneath the bed behind the front seats. Our set up still has room for improvement, but we are psyched that car camping with the kitties is a go!

Written by Kim McGrenere - follow her and Graham's adventures on Instagram

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